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Snake Bite and Venom



Venomis a modified saliva. It's primary function is to capture and digest their prey. It is also used for a defense against preditors.
Venomous snakes DO NOT want to bite us- they would rather use this mixture of toxins for ameal like a squirrel or a rabbit.
But,occasionally,the unfortunate happens. You are at homeor out in the country doing your daily routine. You are either gathering woodor simpling taking out the trash. Then all of a sudden you feel a bumpon your hand, leg,or foot.Looking down, you see a snake- to your knowledge you do not know if it is venomous or not.

Snake Bite-

     If you are bitten by a venomous snake ,some of the clinical symptoms are the following : nausea ,vomiting, headache , stomach pain , diarreah ,wooziness , collapse , convulsions , perspiration, muscle twitching , high blood preasure ,tingling feeling , cardiac arrest , renal failure , internal and external bleeding , and/ or even death.
      Most of these accidental bites are by someone being careless in snake country. In some cases, somebody has to, once in a while, prove their 
courage to themselves and others. And that person usually gets bit and evenomated . Whch could leave up to serious personal injury or even death.
      And if that does'nt make you more aware,  the outstanding hospital bill will.
The antivenom used the ER doctors can cost about $ 1,600 dallors per vial.
The initial amount is usually between 4 to 10 vials depending on the severity of the bite. Some cases can add up 30 vials for very bad envenomations and cost
in the hundred thousand range including hospital bills.
  Here are some precautions that may help you to avoid being bitten by a venomous snake . 
   Do not try to handle unless you are trained by an professional or a professional yourself .
   Do use a flashlight when walking at night.
   Step on logs not over them .  ( There just might be a snake on the other side).  
   Do not pick up objects with your hands , use some kind of long tool.
   Always stay on trails when hiking.
   Look where you reach when rock clinbing.
   If your in the woods, always look at the ground where your going to sit.
   Do not handle a dead or injured snake.            
   When in snake country, wear loose pants to help reflect a snake's strike.
        These are just some examples that may help you. With this information
I hope you will take caution in the outdoors in or around home. Remember that the best snakebite kit is a set of car keys.Herping is suppose to be fun. Be careful, be cautious , and be safe from snake bite.

All content , including pictures, copyright 2005- 2009 by James Vanover and Reptile and Amphibian Conservation Education all rights reserved.