ACUTE- of short duration; not chronic
AGGREGATE- a grooup drawn together due to some enviromental attraction
AMBIENT- surrounding temperature
ARBOREAL- tree dwelling
AQUATIC- lives in or mostly water
BRUMATION- to hibernate induced by long periods of low temperatures
CARNIVOROUS- eats only animal flesh (meat)
CLOACA- a passage used for eliminating fecal, urinary, and reproductive discharges
DEWLAP- the flap or fold of skin under the throat
ECOTHERM- having to regulate body temperature by seeking out different heat sources
HERPETOLOGY- the study of reptiles and amphibians
HERP- a reptile or amphibian
NOCTURNAL- active at night
OMNIVOROUS- to eat plant and animal matter
PLASTRON- the bottom of a turtle's shell
TERRESTRIAL- lives on land
VENTRAL- towards the belly